
Sundays at 8:30 pm – FUN Casual Nostalgia Night! A little bit of this… a little bit of that… including Achievement Runs, Mythic Dungeon Runs, Time-Walking Runs, World Bosses, etc.  Come ready to have a blast! These are relaxed evenings where you can even play your Alts if you’d like.  There will also be a monthly special event scheduled on Sunday evenings.

Tuesdays at 8:20 pm – NORMAL RAID / LFR Runs / Guild Dungeon Runs for Gold, etc. Please ask the Raid Leader for minimum gear levels for Normals.

Thursdays at 8:20 pm – HEROIC / NORMAL Current Content Raid.  Invites will go out BEFORE 8:15 pm.  We need you to group up fast to make the most of our raiding time! Please come prepared with your own flasks and potions! Feast food will be provided.  Please ask the Raid Leader for minimum gear levels for Normals and Heroics.  If you are looking forward to joining these Raids, please accept the invites on time! Talented friends from other guilds are welcome, space permitting.  Once we transition to HEROIC Raid Content, we will also apply a Minimum DPS Requirement in order to join us in the Heroic Raids.  This is necessary in order to progress and ensure success for everyone involved in the raid.

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