
RECRUIT – Your mission: reach Exalted with the Guild.

You have a lot of work to do. Your main focus is to get to EXALTED REPUTATION with the Guild and get promoted! We understand it’s a long and lonely road to Exalted because you will see few invites on the calendar until you reach Exalted, are Level 120 and gear up. Almost everyone has at least one toon which is ready to level up for end-game content, and most calendar invites can only be seen then.. If you’re not quite there yet, then consider yourself very much esteemed, for you were invited to the guild because you proved to be a person worthy of being a member of Mythic! Be patient and persevere… Remember to chat with us in Guild chat so we may get to know you and friend you before you raid with us! We count on your participation, teamwork, good nature and spirit of cooperation. Soon enough, you will be all grown up and geared… and raiding with us on end-game adventures!

THE FAITHFUL – Under 240 gear score iLevel.  A cozy place for Alts.   Your mission: Reaching ilevel 240 gear score.

So… you finally broke down and purchased the NEW Expansion! This is a rank full of wonders and exploration. New quest lines, new areas to explore, new dungeons…. very busy, but very rewarding! It is a slow road to reach Level 120, as you need to level up and then gear up. From Level 110 through Level 120, you will obtain new expansion gear. There will be new dungeons at the launch. This is your best bet at gearing up quickly. Once you hit the next gear score iLevel, let me know so you can get promoted!

DEDICANT – iLevel 240.  Your mission: Reach item level 280.

Normal Dungeon Time – You made it!!! No more leveling up… now you have to focus on gearing up some more! As soon as you hit 120, you will unlock new World Quests, just open your map! World Quests and World Bosses stick around for a week, so you will have ample opportunity to do/kill them (ha!). Emissaries will give you quests each day (finish 4 World Quests associated with the Emissary’s faction) and you will get nice loot from them. You can have up to 3 Emissary quests open at one time. Please let me know when you hit the next level to receive your promotion!

NEOPHYTE – iLevel 280.  Your mission: Reach iLevel 325.

Heroic Dungeon Time – A lot of hard work got you to this ilevel. The best way to move on up is to hit the new Heroic Dungeons.  Please let me know when you hit the next level to receive your promotion!

INITIATE – iLevel 325.  Your mission: Reach iLevel 340.

LFR (Looking For Raid) Time – The easiest way to get to the next level is to start hitting the LFRs.  If you are planning to participate in raids with us, we need you to read our Dungeons & Raids page thoroughly and to read it frequently, so you are aware of our expectations regarding responding to invites promptly, Gear Score and raid etiquette. We would also like for you to read the Discord page to be aware of our Discord etiquette. It all boils down to common sense and good manners, but we strongly need for you to meet our expectations.  Please let me know when you reach the next level for your final iLevel promotion.

TEMPLAR – iLevel 340 – Non-Raiders and High-Level Alts

You’ve made it to the top of the current gear score requirements to join us in Normal Raids.  Please whisper and let our Raid Leader(s) know you have reached this level.  You can also whisper Summannuz.  Your raiding abilities will be analyzed.

LEGATE RAIDER – iLevel 340+ Mythic Dungeons, “Normal” & “Heroic” Raids

These are the Warlords who have asked, been accepted, and have joined the current raiding team.  You will be invited and/or rotated into our end game raids.  A couple of you might be asked to be Raid Leaders and assist Elders in leading dungeon runs and raids to help out with the smooth functioning of the Guild.  These teams progress through the current content raids in Normal, Heroic, and later on, Mythic. Please let our raid leader(s) know you are interested in joining this elite group so that they can analyze your abilities and add you to the group if you pass the test.

ELDERS – Advisors to the GM.

Please refer to the “Elders” page.

GM – Summannuz

Please refer to the “Elders” page.

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