
Please have Discord Downloaded and installed BEFORE it’s Raid Time from

To learn HOW to USE Discord I recommend this video:

Upon being invited into the Raid, the GM, an Elder, or a Raid Leader will share an Instant Invite Link to join our specific Discord Server.  Please do not share it with anyone outside the guild without permission.

1) Please make sure your equipment works well. Open mikes are an extreme annoyance to all, as they produce unwanted echoes, and bad mikes hurt everyone’s ears… Please invest in a decent set of headphones… they don’t have to be expensive to work nicely. We will all be very appreciative!

2) “Stalking” is never appreciated. On non-private channels, please say hello and announce your name when you join and wait a few seconds until someone responds before continuing to talk. We don’t always recognize all voices, so saying your name will spare the rest from having to tab out to see who you are. If people don’t respond immediately, please don’t assume that they are ignoring you… they might be in a particularly difficult encounter and having trouble sparing a finger to press the chat button to respond to you!

3) Please abstain from continuous bragging, foul language, controversial issues, insulting or bad-mouthing guildies… and, if you are having a bad day and you’re in a bad mood, please don’t take it out in Discord. No drama of any kind on Discord, please… just good times with your WoW friends! Follow common sense and good manners, and above all, be polite and considerate at all times.

4) If you are one of our younger and more vivacious members, please refrain from incessant chatter. You are welcome to group up in another room with other young guild friends or to stay with the older group, as long as you don’t take over the audio channel. If we “mute” you during a raid, please take the hint and don’t unmute yourself. If you do this, you risk getting banned from the Discord server altogether and really, no one wants that.

5) Please ask permission from an Elder before inviting non-guildies to our Discord. After your dungeon or activity is over, they must leave or be re-invited (again, with permission) and you or other guildies must be present at all times when they are in Discord. Your non-guildie friends must understand that they cannot continue to “hang out” in our Discord if you or other guildies are not present and that they cannot come back in any time they want. You must obtain permission again (unless we’ve said it’s OK to bring them in whenever you play).

6) If a leader is giving instructions during a raid, please clear Discord (don’t speak over him/her), and please don’t take over the leader’s role if you are not the leader and start bossing people around. If you’re not in the group and you pop in, just say hello, announce your name and wait a few seconds before talking, to make sure you’re not interrupting a boss encounter.

7) If someone is in a private room, or in a Progression Raid room, please take the hint… they need privacy!  So if you need to say something urgent to one of them and you cannot whisper them in game, pop in and quickly excuse yourself, state your business as briefly as possible and leave.


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