
To lead our Guild, I count on the help and advice of the esteemed and respected members of the “Elders“. It is important for the Guild to have solid leadership and direction, and this Council provides such a structure.

Only the Highest level toon of each Elder is kept at this level.  Council members will always be hand-picked by me. Please do not ask to be promoted to these ranks.

To remain an Elder, one must continuously participate and serve in helping members of the guild.  This includes, but is not limited to:  Helping run & lead dungeon runs and raids, giving advice, suggesting and leading fun events (not only for Sunday evenings but special extra scheduled events as well), helping Summannuz with the administration of the guild (bank clean-outs, updating members’ iLevels, invitations to join the guild, etc).

We agree that many heads think better than one. Our main purpose is to be fair and objective in all our decisions, while making sure the Guild remains a fun place to be in for all members, including ourselves (yes, just like you, we pay Blizzard to play and have fun too!)

So, without further ado, meet your Guild Elders:

Summannuz – GM

Fiendstalker – Elder

Moonerluna – Elder

Prona – Elder

Queilani – Elder Mother

Thoven – Elder Father

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